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Arcanix Posted: 15:56:27 23rd Nov 2005

Posts: 2036

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Location: Portugal

Gender: Male


Chaos Posted: 06:00:14 24th Nov 2005

Posts: 6679

Topics: 367

Location: Lithuania

Gender: Male

*scratches head*

10 mil troops on non-LTC!

You guys want a piece of the pie? :D
Do a 100k bet on LTC and it could get you a win of 1 mil (well, approximately) :D

Waiting for technical singularity in 2035.

Bigman Rick Posted: 06:46:44 24th Nov 2005

Posts: 183

Topics: 16

Gender: Male

100k T non ltc

Super Luck

Cheat that System
ICQ - 326-742-321 = Rikimaru

Space Cowboy Boooya

watupdogg Posted: 06:53:14 24th Nov 2005

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100k ltc

Arcanix Posted: 11:57:50 24th Nov 2005

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Location: Portugal

Gender: Male

updated, so chaos you gonna bet 10M T or what? :D

Filas Posted: 12:06:09 24th Nov 2005

Posts: 2042

Topics: 148

Location: Lithuania

I think he is sure he'll win, so wants to get most of troops from these who bet for LTC :D

Country music, whiskey and OK

Chaos Posted: 12:08:37 24th Nov 2005

Posts: 6679

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Location: Lithuania

Gender: Male

Yes Arcanix so why didn't you add my bet :D

Waiting for technical singularity in 2035.

Arcanix Posted: 12:10:39 24th Nov 2005

Posts: 2036

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Location: Portugal

Gender: Male

:hellno: you sure?

Chaos Posted: 12:12:50 24th Nov 2005

Posts: 6679

Topics: 367

Location: Lithuania

Gender: Male

Of course :D
Betting is fun too bad you can't get rich from it :D Too little players, too small bets.

Waiting for technical singularity in 2035.

Arcanix Posted: 12:16:06 24th Nov 2005

Posts: 2036

Topics: 129

Location: Portugal

Gender: Male

10M troops updated from chaos bet :D

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