Topic Title: Market Watch 24 November 2016 (Simple Topic)

Topic starter: Zerohours

Topic started: 18:51:11 24th Nov 2016

Posts: 2 Last post: 16:15:41 25th Nov 2016 by ReaperOfSouls

Zerohours Posted: 18:51:11 24th Nov 2016

Posts: 2443

Topics: 287

Location: Canada

Gender: Male

Best Prices
Energy: 50 credits
Troops: 60 credits
Vital: 44 credits
Gold: 11 credits
Silicon: 12 credits
Iron: 12 credits
Uranium: 15 credits
Hydrogen: 24 credits

Hello Fellow entrepreneurs!
Welcome to Market Watch! The election has had a strange effect on the Skylords economy. Resources hit near record lows before the election and after the fact they have fallen in line with pre-crash levels! (Pre-server crash, which Ironically was not long after 2008.)

Politics aside the prices on the market are much less concerning than they have been. It would be nice to see troops which are the baseline for the market drop to around 25 to ensure a stable and viable system.

The biggest issue we notice this week was brought to our attention by our seldom mentioned head analyst. It is best to share his words directly. When Sir Hammy was asked to give us the 'gist' his reply was:
*Quiet carrot munching*

We will share our thoughts on this. It seems Sir Hammy is most concerned with the low volume of the market. The prices are in line with what we are used to seeing. Stock seems to be the issue with no large amounts of any resources showing on the market at those prices.

This weeks Ratings!

Troops: Even though troops are above ideal levels they are lower than they have been in awhile. Many can be had below 75 if you buy a few everyday. I would not buy above 75.

Energy: It costs the proper amount less than troops. I would recommend buying energy up to around 62.

Vital: It is currently more efficient to sell Vital than to produce troops. If you have a large amount of Vital you would like to dump I think you could move it around the 30 or perhaps 29 price point. Consider the fact that you take a risk by producing it yourself a small percentage loss compared to troops is acceptable. Not everything is black and white.

Hydrogen: The price of Hydrogen has gotten unreasonably high. There are very few people actually burning it in any large amounts. Compared to the market it should be closer to 15. This would properly reflect supply and demand.

Any resources not mentioned are around their expected market values for the current situation. If you need to unload some or buy a few batches for something I would say go for it.

This is Zero signing out!
Questions, comments and rude remarks welcome!

I am here to help in anyway I can! Let's have fun!

Tom Bomadial Posted: 15:32:18 25th Nov 2016

Posts: 423

Topics: 76

Location: United States

Gender: Male

Due to the excessive amounts of credits accumulated many potential sellers can not sell on the market until the allowed credit limits are raised and/or they manage to burn a few up keeping "up-grades"
So to get prices "down" maybe allowed balances could be increased.

"Is not easily provoked"
It is not good to wake a sleeping bear

ReaperOfSouls Posted: 16:15:41 25th Nov 2016

Posts: 266

Topics: 15

Location: United States

Gender: Male

I will buy your credits. Do you have any resources you need? Or services such as assault/fighter training?

Previous Aliases:
JR Scovill
Future SL Ruler
Reaper Of Souls
Reaper Of Souls2

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