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Wienisius Posted: 11:28:48 15th Dec 2009

Posts: 90

Topics: 12

Location: Lithuania

Gender: Male

But i know, many Old players come here if Reset will be !!!

stuntly Posted: 14:51:54 15th Dec 2009

Posts: 76

Topics: 5

Location: United States

Gender: Male

but they chose to not reset the game, so this topic is a mute point.
nobody is changing their minds because someone is whining.
i got defeated and i dont vote either way towards reset or otherwise, because in my mind it shouldnt matter whether we all start over as newbs....................
and it seems like if that were to happen we couldnt play according to any strategy because everyone would lose their first immunity at the same time if they started at reset and then there would be no point because everyone would attack everyone at the same time.
and if that were to not happen it would mean that people had kept their same friends and or naps and that would make a reset pointless, because nothing would be new. it would be the same powers as before in the game.

Was Charactor
Then Griffins Bane2.
Then Kid in ROTC
Then Hoorah
Now stuntly, because its my name on oblivion for no reason at all.

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